What is a Balance Bike-Coco Village Reviews

jessica saaw
3 min readMar 15, 2021

A balance bike is essentially a bike without pedals!

Little ones ride them by pushing off the ground with their feet in order to move forward. It allows them to develop their balance and coordination which are extremely useful skills when upgrading to a regular bike without training wheels.

Balance bikes are relatively new but they are definitely the best option for beginner riders! Let us tell you why.

As soon as they can sit comfortably on the bike, usually around the age of 12 months, the balance bike allows them to learn the basis of movement. As they get older, up to an average age of 5 years of age, they learn the concepts of speed, braking, and balance.

Make sure to check out parents’ favorite on Coco Village review page.

At what age are balance bikes suitable?

Balance bikes are really very accessible and suitable for a wide range of ages!

Families are invited to read the Coco Village review and comments on the dedicated section on their website to help to choose the right balance bike!

If your little one can walk, he/she can probably use a balance bike. They are usually recommended for children between 1 and 7 years old but Coco Village offers 9 exclusive balance bike and trike designs for children between 12 months and 5 years old. They have three different sizes:

- The NANO — 2-in-1 Balance Bike is suitable for children between 1 and 3 years old

- The MINI — 2-in-1 Balance Bike is suitable for children between 2 and 5 years old

- The GRANDE — Balance Bike is suitable for children between 3 and 5 years old

Make sure to check out this video on how to choose the right balance bike for your little one!

Coco Village Reviews

As soon as they can walk, you can start your little one on a Coco Village’s NANO — 2-in-1 Balance Bike

How does it work?

Children find it quite intuitive, but it might take time to achieve balance bike mastery. Kids learn at different pace so remember to give them time and plenty of positive encouragement.

Essentially, to move forward, little ones push off the ground and begin walking the bike, then progress to running, striding and gliding!

Coco Village Avis

They’ll typically start by standing over the saddle, and they might insist on walking the bike for some time… it’s totally normal. Eventually, they’ll feel more comfortable and sit on the saddle and learn to gain balance. With practice, they’ll slowly learn how to push their feet and run with their balance bike with confidence… You better be ready to run because they learn really quickly beyond this stage and they’ll ride faster and faster.

Last will come the gliding — the most exciting and fun part of balance bike riding. It will come as a natural step for most kids as they will figure it out on their own.

Watch them have tons of fun with Coco Village’s balance bike selection GRANDE — Balance Bike

Never without a Helmet! Be safe and shop Coco Village’s 10 exclusive Helmet designs.

Coco Village has many cool balance bikes accessories for every personality. Make sure to check-out parents favorite on Coco Village review.

About Coco Village

Coco Village’s mission is to create unique products for children between 0 and 5 years old. Coco Village offers a large range of products such as kids’ furniture, wooden toys, balance bikes, bedding collection, playmats and paly gyms for babies and much more. Their top three products are the house bed, balance bikes and balance boards. These three items have become essential items that all trendy North American families need to have in their homes. Coco Village products are available exclusively online on cocovillage.com, in Canada and in the US. Families are invited to read the Coco Village review and Coco Village Comments about the Coco Village products by visiting their website.

